Newid Iaith

Ni a Nhw

Ni a Nhw

Cod Eitem : 9781801063371
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Sioned Wyn Roberts
Darlunydd(ion)/Illustrator(s) : Eric Heyman
Ni 'dyn ni... a nhw 'dyn nhw. A s'mo ni'n gwneud dim 'da nhw. Pwy yw'r nhw brawychus sy'n codi ofn ar bawb? Mae'r twrch daear yn tyllu i fyny drwy'r pridd a'r wiwer goch yn dringo i lawr y goeden i chwilio am y nhw. Ac yn darganfod bod nhw yn eitha tebyg i ni!

A humorous picture story book using a new concept of two stories beginning from opposite ends of the book, becoming one story in the centre. The mole digs up through the soil and the red squirrel leaps down from the tree to look for the terrible 'they' and 'them', who terrify everybody, and find that they are very similar to us after all!