Pan Fydd Drysau'n Cau

Pan Fydd Drysau'n Cau

Cod Eitem : 9781802587142
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Miriam Halahmy
Cyfieithydd(ion)/Translator(s) : Rhys Iorwerth
Pymtheg oed ydi Josie a Tasha ond cymdogion ydyn nhw, nid ffrindiau. Pan fydd eu teuluoedd yn cefnu arnyn nhw, maen nhw'n dod yn gwmni i'w gilydd yn eu brwydr i oroesi.

Fifteen year olds Tasha and Josie are near-neighbours. But when their families let them down, they find themselves unlikely allies in a battle for survival. Josie is the daughter of an obsessive-compulsive. Tasha feels threatened by her mother's new boyfriend, who her mother chooses over her daughter. How can they survive when home is not a place of safety?