Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Paddy Donnelly
Cyfieithydd(ion)/Translator(s) : Elen Williams
Teiliwr cynffonau yw tad Caio'r Cadno. Y GORAU yn y busnes. Daw anifeiliaid o bob cwr ato er mwyn cael cynffon ganddo. Mae Caio'n helpu yn y siop ond mae'n diflasu ar greu yr un hen gynffonau. Mae ganddo'i syniadau ei hun ar sut i wneud cynffonau mwy cyffrous...
Caio the Fox's father is a tail tailor. The BEST in the business. Animals far and wide come to have tails made by him. Caio helps in the shop but he gets bored with creating the same old tails all the time. He has his own ideas about making more exciting tails...