Newid Iaith

Diwali Binny

Diwali Binny

Cod Eitem : 9781783905959
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Thrity Umrigar, Casia Wiliam
Darlunydd(ion)/Illustrator(s) : Nidhi Chanani
Golygydd(ion)/Editor(s) : Aneirin Karadog
Cyfieithydd(ion)/Translator(s) : Casia Wiliam
Deffrodd Binny yn hapus ond yn nerfus. Heddiw mae hi'n
mynd i siarad â'i dosbarth am Diwali, Gŵyl y Goleuni!
Mae hi wedi cyffroi am gael siarad am ei hoff ŵyl, ond mae'n
cael trafferth dod o hyd i'r geiriau.
Stori dwymgalon gan Thrity Umrigar, arlunwaith hudolus
gan Nidhi Chanani a gwybodaeth fanwl am ŵyl Hindwaidd y
goleuni, mae Diwali Binny yn wledd i'r llygaid a'r dychymyg.

Binny woke up happy but nervous. Today she is
going to talk to her class about Diwali, the Festival of Lights!
She is excited to talk about her favourite festival. But she is
having trouble finding the words.
A heartfelt story by Thrity Umrigar, with enchanting illustrations
by Nidhi Chanani and detailed information about the Hindu festival of the light, Diwali Binny is a feast for the eyes and the imagination.