Newid Iaith

Oedolyn (ish!)

Oedolyn (ish!)

Cod Eitem : 9781800996212
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Melanie Owen
Dyma hunangofiant creadigol Melanie Owen wedi'i gyflwyno ar ffurf casgliad o wersi mae hi wedi'u dysgu hyd yma. Cawn ddysgu sut gyrhaeddodd lle mae hi heddiw, cawn fewnwelediad i'w gyrfa, a beth mae hi'n gorfod gweithio arno'n fewnol er mwyn sicrhau ei bod yn parhau i adeiladu a bod yn hapus.

The creative biography of Melanie Owen presented as a collection of lessons learnt. We learn how she has reached where she is today, we are given insight into her career, and what she has to work on to ensure further development and happiness.