Newid Iaith

Hogan Horni Isio Mwy

Hogan Horni Isio Mwy

Cod Eitem : 9781843239918
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Menna Medi
Dilyniant i'r nofel Hogan Horni. Dychwelwn at anturiaethau'r newyddiadurwraig dinboeth Tina Thomas a'i ffrindiau, Ann a Gwenan, ynghyd â llu o gymeriadau cofiadwy fel Bryn y Boncyn a Marie y Ddraig. Nofel ysgafn, hwyliog.

A sequel to the novel Hogan Horni. Here we have more adventures with the horny newspaper reporter Tina Thomas and her friends - Ann and Gwenan, amongst other memorable characters such as Bryn y Boncyn and Marie the Dragon. A lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek novel.