Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Siôn Tomos Owen
Cyfrol gyntaf y bardd a'r darlunydd Siôn Tomos Owen yn llawn lliw ac angerdd am fywyd tad, a gwladgarwr, o Gwm Rhondda. Cawn yma gerddi ar themâu megis teulu, cymuned, brawdgarwch, gwleidyddiaeth ac iechyd meddwl. Cynhwysir arlunwaith du a gwyn y bardd.
Poet and illustrator Siôn Tomos Owen's book is full of colour and passion about life as a father and patriot from Rhondda Valley, and deals with family, community, brotherhood, politics and mental health issues. Includes the poet's black and white illustrations.