Newid Iaith

Pererin Ystrad Fflur

Pererin Ystrad Fflur

Cod Eitem : 9781916873582
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Glenn Morris, Simon Batty, David Austin
Mae cerflun y Pererin wedi dod yn rhan eiconig o dirlun Ystrad Fflur. Yn y gyfrol hon adroddir hanes y cerflun gan y cerflunydd Glenn Morris ac eraill a fu'n rhan o ymgyrch gan y gymuned leol i achub rhywbeth a ddechreuodd fel darn o gelf dros dro a'i droi'n gofadail parhaol.

The Pilgrim statue has become an iconic part of the Strata Florida landscape. The story of the statue is here told by sculptor Glenn Morris and others closely involved in the local community's campaign to rescue what began as a temporary installation and transform it into a permanent monument.