Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Robin Campbell
Caiff Stephen James anhawster cyfathrebu a phobl. Pan gaiff ei gyhuddo o drosedd, caiff ei hun mewn cell yn swyddfa'r heddlu yn nhref Ynys. Mynna ei fod yn ddieuog ac mai ef yw'r dioddefwr mewn gwirionedd, gan arwain at ddryswch ymhlith yr awdurdodau. Does neb yn fodlon gwrando ar ei stori, wrth i'r rhai ddylai ei helpu gael eu clymu gan eu mân ofidiau personol eu hunain.
Stephen James finds communicating with people difficult. When he is accused of a serious crime, he ends up in a police cell in the small valleys' town of Ynys. He insists that not only is he innocent but that it is he who is the victim, leading to confusion by those in authority. His story falls on deaf ears as those who should be helping are caught in their own petty struggles.