Newid Iaith

Mountains According to G

Mountains According to G

Cod Eitem : 9781529410969
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Geraint Thomas
Mae dilynwyr seiclo yn obsesiynol am ddringfeydd a mynyddoedd uchel, ac maen nhw'n mwynhau darllen am heriau penodol a cheisio eu concro. Ni chaiff y dilynwr criced cyffredin chwarae ar gae Lords, ac ni chaiff y cefnogwr pel-droed chwarae yn Wembley, ond gall y beiciwr fentro herio mynydd eiconig. Dyma ganllaw personol Geraint Thomas i ddringfeydd seiclo penna'r byd.

Cycling fans obsess about climbs and big mountains. They love reading about their tests and tribulations and they love to ride them - a cricket lover can never bat at Lord's, or a football supporter score at Wembley, but any rider can take on the challenge of an iconic mountain. This is Geraint Thomas's inside guide to 25 of the greatest cycling climbs in the world.