Farmer in Training: The Farm Visit

Farmer in Training: The Farm Visit

Cod Eitem : 9781739808860
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Anwen Nicholls
Darlunydd(ion)/Illustrator(s) : Kenneth Rees
Llyfr Pump yn y gyfres Farmer in Training. Mae Jack a Sal yn croesawu eu ffrindiau i Hilltop Farm ar ymweliad. Caiff y plant ddysgu popeth am fywyd ar y fferm - ac mae bwrlwm mawr yno. Mae rhywbeth rhyfedd yn digwydd yn ystod y trip ysgol.

Book five in the Farmer in Training Series. Jack and Sal welcome their friends to Hilltop Farm for a visit. The children learn all about farm life - and there is a buzz of excitement. Something surprising happens during their school trip.