Still Rockin' - Tom Jones, A Biography

Still Rockin' - Tom Jones, A Biography

Cod Eitem : 9781847711649
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Aubrey Malone
Bywgraffiad Tom Jones, sy'n olrhain ei daith o bentref glofaol yng Nghymru i fod yn seren fyd-enwog. Mae'r awdur yn talu sylw i'w yrfa gerddorol, ei berthynas arbennig â'i wraig ac â Chymru, yn ogystal â thaflu goleuni pellach ar ei apêl i fenywod. Cyfrol gytbwys sy'n dyst i fywyd personol a phroffesiynol Tom Jones.

A short biography of Tom Jones's rags to riches story - his journey from a Welsh mining village to superstardom. The author explores his musical career, his special relationship with his wife and Wales, and also gives an insight into his phenomenal womanizing. This is a balanced and sympathetic account of Jones's personal and professional life.