Newid Iaith

Tom Cox's 21st Century Yokel Poster: Captivating Crook

Tom Cox's 21st Century Yokel Poster: Captivating Crook

Cod Eitem : 9781910862704
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Tom Cox
Darlunydd(ion)/Illustrator(s) : Jo Cox
Poster o argraffiad leino hardd o jac-y-do a'i gefndir gwledig, ynghyd â thestun byr am yr aderyn, a godwyd o'r gyfrol 21st Century Yokel gan yr awdur arobryn a'r bersonoliaeth boblogaidd ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, Tom Cox.

'Captivating Crook' features Jo Cox's beautiful lino print of a Jackdaw against a country scene, above a passage of text about these curious birds from Tom Cox's book 21st Century Yokel, the latest title by the Sunday Times bestselling author and social media sensation.