Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Hergé
Cyfieithydd(ion)/Translator(s) : Martial Ménard
E Krank e veudoù aour e vez kaset Tintin da Norzhafrika. Eno e tistruj raktresoù ur strollad torfedourien o doa kuzhet opiom e-barzh boestoù-mir kig kranked. Gant donedigezh ar c'habiten Haddock e tizoloomp un arz nevez da gomz gant troioù-lavar divoutin a-walc'h.
Tintin and Milou are on the trail of a drug smugglers. In their pursuit, Tinitin is locked up in the brig of Kabiten Haddock's ship, where the captain is under the influence of the bottle and under the thumb of his crew. With the Sahara at one hand and the Mediterranean on the other, this adventure places Tintin in some dangerously dire straits.