Newid Iaith

Healing the Pack

Healing the Pack

Cod Eitem : 9781913917524
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Clare E. Potter
Cyfrol o gerddi ar thema adennill. Maent yn cyfleu'r daith am iaith sy'n medru adrodd am ddycnwch rhwng cenedlaethau ac am y pŵer a gynigir gan hynafiaid a chan blant deallus.

Healing the Pack is a book of retrieval. These are poems on the hunt for language to speak of intergenerational resilience and the power offered up by ancestors and perceptive children. Born out of working-class life in a coalmining community, the work explores unsilencing. It honours those who speak through the gaps of their suffering to share their strengths.