Fy Nghroen I, dy Groen Di

Fy Nghroen I, dy Groen Di

Cod Eitem : 9781804163696
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Laura Henry-Allain MBE
Darlunydd(ion)/Illustrator(s) : Onyinye Iwu
Cyfieithydd(ion)/Translator(s) : Mared Llwyd
Mae Fy Nghroen i, dy Groen di yn llyfr pwerus i helpu plant ac oedolion i gael trafodaethau ystyrlon am hil a gwrth-hiliaeth. Yn bwysicaf oll, mae'r llyfr yn grymuso plant i fod y fersiwn gorau ohonyn nhw eu hunain; i feddu ar hunan-gariad, hunan-fri a hunan-werth, waeth beth fo lliw eu croen.

Welsh translation of a powerful book to help children and adults have meaningful discussions about race and anti-racism. Most importantly, the book empowers children to be the best versions of themselves; to have self-love, self-esteem and self-worth, irrespective of skin colour. Written by producer, educator and Welsh government consultant, Laura Henry-Allain MBE.