Newid Iaith

Colours of Corruption, The

Colours of Corruption, The

Cod Eitem : 9781906784539
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Jacqueline Jacques
Nofel wedi'i gosod yn Llundain yn ystod Oes Fictoria. Ceir yma ddarlun o wahanol haenau o fewn y gymdeithas; y tlodion ar y gwaelod, y cyfoethogion all brynu unrhyw beth a phopeth, a'r troseddwyr sydd heb ddim i'w golli. Ac mae 'na lofruddiaethau ...

As this gripping thriller uncoils, Jacqueline Jacques paints an intricate, vibrant picture of the layers of Victorian London, where the poor are commodities, criminals have nothing to lose and the rich can buy anything. And the murders go on ...